Business and Accounting Resources


How to Get a Hold of the Canada Revenue Agency

For inquires related to business contact the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-5525. For inquires related to personal matters contact them at 1-800-959-8281. They have a range of services available online at:

Workers Compensation Board

At  SM Accounting Group Ltd we have a designated team who can assist with your WCB filings. You can also contact Workers Compensation Board at:

One Stop Business Registry

Starting up a business can be intimidating. At SM Accounting Group Ltd, we want to equip you with the tools necessary. Visit: to obtain information and business registration steps and resources.

Service Canada

You can contact Service Canada online at: The website can assist with such items such as issuing records of employments and managing employment insurance benefits.

Chartered Professional Accountants of BC

Learn more about the Chartered Professional Accountant designation at:

Ministry of Finance

You can contact the Provincial Ministry of Finance at to assist you with Provincial Sales Tax filings.


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