Our Covid-19 Policy

For staff our precautions for COVID 19 are:
– Each staff has a cloth mask that can be used
– We wipe down with sterilization wipes the office daily including the front desk area, handles or any surface that could or is touched
– Two washing stations are fully equipped to allow staff to wash their hands
– Hand sanitizers are through out the office
– Staff with any symptoms or with loved ones with symptoms are not allowed in the office until tested.
– If testing positive they are still quarantined for 14 days after all symptoms are gone
– Staff not working in the office are working remote

For clients our precautions for COVID 19 are:
– Hard paperwork received is quarantined for 72 hours prior to additional handling by our staff
– Paperwork is all returned in an envelope but is currently being stored for clients convenience if they don’t want to pick up
– We are providing a secure portal to send your tax returns to them as a PDF document
– Electronic secure signature is being used for most clients to reduce exposure in our office and in public
– Credit cards can now be accepted via computer terminal rather than the machine
– If the machine is used it is wiped down after each use
– If a client attends in person, a staff member takes a clip board (wiped down) along with pen (wiped down) out to the hall. The staff member has gloves and a mask while working with the client

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